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$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":null,"method":"db_get_values","params":{"paths":["/runinfo/run number"]}}' 'http://localhost:8080?mjsonrpc'
{"jsonrpc": "2.0","result":{"data":[324],"status":[1],"last_written":[1443570804]},"id":null}
List of MIDAS JSON-RPC methods
method name description
echo echo the request parameters back to the caller
parameters type description
- object any object
returns type description
- object parameters object
null always return a null
parameters type description
- anything any object (object)
returns type description
null null always returns a null value
db_copy get a copy of ODB in JSON format
parameters type description
names array of strings odb paths to copy
returns type description
data array of objects odb data for each entry in names[]
last_written array of numbers odb last_written for each entry in names[]
status array of numbers odb get status for each entry in names[]